【学术视频】中国科大赵九章·侯德封大师讲堂 | 斯坦福大学Amos Nur教授
图 | Amos Nur
题 目:地震物理机制的研究现状和展望
报告人:Amos Nur
单 位:Stanford University
时 间:2017-10-27
地 点:中国科学技术大学
Frank Press in 1975 promised earthquake prediction within 10 years or so. This optimism was based on new concepts that emerged at the time of earthquake mechanics and earthquake geography: stick slip as the earthquake instability, the rebound theory for strain accumulation and release, the Mohr-Coulomb failure criterion for rock masses, and earthquake geography-as related to plate boundaries and plate tectonics. Press' promise has not materialized. A key reason is that too many first orders observed aspects of earthquakes remained and still are unexplained or un-accounted for. They were assumed to be of secondary importance: The frequency-magnitude statistics of earthquakes, the occurrence of aftershocks, viscous and other slow deformational behavior of and in the crust and lithosphere, rupture propagation, plate boundary yielding, rebound that cannot mimic the negative of loading, the complexity of fault systems, earthquake migration, actual earthquake geography, and rupture termination (vs. nucleation), etc. In the talk, I review these aspects and specifically look at 3 such unaccounted ones: Block and Stress Rotations, Free surface as a cause for earthquake instability, and Earthquake migration. Besides a review of some fundamental problems the talk illuminates first order areas for future research in earthquake physics.
Amos Nur教授是现代岩石物理学与岩石力学的奠基人之一。Amos Nur于1970毕业于美国麻省理工学院,从此一直在斯坦福大学担任教授,曾两度任斯坦福地球物理系主任,目前担任斯坦福大学全校海外交流项目主任。Amos Nur教授先后荣获了国际上19项学术大奖或荣誉,其中包括1974年荣获AGU颁发的J. D. Macelwane奖,2011年荣获SEG颁发的地球物理学最高成就奖Maurice Ewing medal。他是AGU, GSA, SEG, AAPG等学会的终身会员或荣誉会员。2001年他成为美国工程学会 (NAE) 会员。Amos发表215篇学术论文,5本学术专著。
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